Wednesday, October 24, 2007

I think I'm depressed.

I was reading an article in a magazine and apparently I have all the symptoms of being depressed and being suicidal.. which I am. I have attempted suicide sort of before. I think about it often. I cry a lot. There were some other symptoms but I can't remember.

But god I really do hate money! it is the root of all the evil in my life. I hate my body too. I'll never be content with my body and I feel like everyone else won't either. I feel I am constantly criticized for my body and being overlooked because of it. I wish I could just feel beautiful being myself.

And time. Why is it moving so slow? I hate my life right now. I hate where everything is. I feel like I am stuck and I can't move. Then again I don't have a clue as to where I would be going anyhow. I feel like my life is going nowhere. I feel like I'm too average to ever be somebody. I'm a nobody. While all my peers are off at college I'll be stuck here because that's the way it always has been. I'll always be the sorry little girl with no friends and no money and no love.

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