Friday, August 31, 2007


hates me.

I just went through my third car. I'm not sure what I'm going to do now. But my grandparents paid for it. The company owes us a car or a new engine or something! I need a car to get to school. There are no buses for late arrival students. Plus I put sweet stickers on it and everything.

I always feel like I can't get comfortable with anything because I know it will always break and go away before I can even get to enjoy it. This applies to many things in my life not just my cars. I really liked this car too.

I am always told how much I deserve things.. but I always feel like I get second best. Nothing works out for me. My mom is so stressed out too. I complain about how she constantly hates on people with money and how stressed she is about money.. I wish one day I wouldn't have to hear her talk about it everyday. I wish she could be happy.

I feel like I have nothing to look forward to anymore. No more Jeff. Work is so normal now and I really can't wait for it to end. I am not that excited for school because I have no idea what I want to do after I graduate. I never see my friends. No one ever calls me to do anything or even to talk anymore ( with the exception of Aughie). I miss companionship so much.

I guess the good guy does finish last.

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