Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Thoughts rush in..

We've been rushing for weeks. Tension building and nerves snapping. And tomorrow we finally do it on stage and then perform.

It's here. The performance I've been aching for for years. A performance where I dance for more than a minute of stupidness. And I have almost no one to come see me. I am unhappy with my costume. I am not sure what comes next in the piece. I want it to be over with.

I feel so crazy. I have never felt so empty in my life. Dance is my passion. I should be excited. Yet I am finding myself wondering what I have done with my life. I dedicated myself to an art which I have broken myself with, ruined friendships because of, lost most of my life to, and I might not even continue this career after high school. Have I wasted away my time with something that in the long run will not get me anywhere in life? I am in a rut. I have lost confidence in the only thing that brings me any ounce of happiness anymore.

What is one to do?

1 comment:

Cedric Benetti said...

no one knows what life is all about, the only people who know must be dead and publishing books about it in heaven, which no one will read because, it's heaven, so let's have a party!
Where am I going with this?

Life is the thing with feathers!