Monday, May 28, 2007


Is the coffee better in a Paris café?
Is love easier to find when not looking?
Is everything better in black and white?
Does reading books make you smarter?
Does doodling on everything make you artistic?

Things pop in my head all the time.. I am a student at all costs. I love to learn. It has always been the hobby of my life. I cannot stand school though. The people are enough a reason to burn it down, as are their silly little rules. I would rather whole myself up in the library than ever go to school where ignorance brews.. I like the peace and quiet I find in my mind when I'm without those people and silly rules. I do sometimes enjoy the company of another but they come rarely and are always welcomed warmly. I hope someday I take my eagerness of knowledge to the next level with travel of the world.

Who's going to join me?


Cedric Benetti said...

Oh let's travel to beautiful Nostalgia, where everything is as it was when you left it 5 years ago! And they have cable and the most duck-filled pond you've ever seen...

Mademoiselle Soleil said...

damn ducks! haha