Wednesday, October 28, 2009

So I'm watching Gilmore Girls..

and Lorelai loves snow and was talking about the magic of snow.. it got me thinking of my last experience with snow. It snowed so much in Richmond that VCU actually closed school because our dorms were without power. It was the end of February and Abe had just broken up with me. This guy I knew through a friend and who was in one of my classes was pretty cool and we ran into each other and ended up hanging out. We found up we had a lot in common, especially music. We got coffee and dinner and ended up having a full on snowball fight in the middle of the street. (There was nothing else to do!) It felt so surreal to me. I wasn't used to the snow. I was feeling mentally affected by a horrible breakup and this cute guy was making me laugh by throwing snowballs at me. I regret some things I did that weekend but part of me will always have that great moment of surreal happiness. A glimpse of something else. It's probably one memory that I'll always like thinking about.

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